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Baby And Toddler 

Newborn babies are naturally at home in water having spent nine months in the womb and adjust easily to a water environment.  Every newborn baby has the potential to become a water baby, and the sooner a child discovers the joys of buoyancy and underwater swimming, the more relaxed and independent they will become in the water.


In our caring and supportive environment a baby enjoys freedom of movement, relaxation and bonding with the parent.

Following on from the skills and exercises your child will have learnt from our Baby swimming classes they will naturally progress into our Toddler program. From here you will see your toddler achieve the most amazing things as we work towards their first independent swimming and that magical 5 meter achievement. The course has been designed with set activities which include swimming technique, floating and important safety skills. The emphasis however, remains on learning through having fun, with a strong ethos of putting your child’s happiness first.

Babies At Kates Swimming
Babies At Kates Swimming
Babies At Kates Swimming
Toddlers At Kates Swimming
Toddlers At Kates Swimming
Toddlers At Kates Swimming
Babies At Kates Swimming
Babies At Kates Swimming
Toddlers At Kates Swimming
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